Children's Ministries

We provide Sunday School and Junior Church programs for children  K5 - 6th Grade. Both programs have Bible based lessons with activities, songs, and crafts. Nursery is available for younger children.

Youth Group

Our prayer is to revitalize a Youth Group, providing Godly instruction and activities for

young people in grades 7 - 12.

Classical Conversations

Faith Baptist Church of Toms River supports this community program, which meets at the church Tuesdays during the school year. This homeschool program is Christ centered and family friendly focused on three simple key areas: Classical, Christian, and Community.

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January White Elephant

         Valentine's Banquet           

Memorial Day Picnic 

Labor Day Picnic

Thanksgiving Dinner

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service



Ladies Bible Study

Equipping women to discern the will of God and encouraging women to know Christ personally, studying God's Word in small group, prayer, singing, and encouraging one another in a fun environment.


You are going to love the fellowship, Christ-centered friendship, our wonderful small group discussions and blessings enjoyed from God's Word that will strengthen and help you with your spiritual growth.


Join us every three weeks at 6:30PM. 

Call our church office for more information on dates.



Prayer Warriors

Members and friends of Faith Baptist Church are

encouraged to submit prayer requests that our prayer

warriors share via text message.